The Five Stages of How We Change

Making successful change starts when we make up our mind. Sometimes, this is the hardest step, because oftentimes our vision of health and wellness has strong values – we know what we should do – but our actions and choices don’t always align with knowing what’s important and what we should do.

Therein lies the challenge.

So…how do we make successful change?

Some say it’s one step, one moment, one hour, one day at a time – again and again. Yes, this is true, but much of what makes change successful is understanding the stages of change and areas where we might be ambivalent.

One of the more enlightening and eye opening parts of my training as a health and wellness professional has been the Transtheortical Model of Change, because it really takes a deeper look into where a person is with change.

Let’s take a real-life look at it like this. Pick an area of your help that you’ve wanted to change and see which of the following statements sounds most like where you are right now. It can be something as simple as flossing your teeth or even drinking more water.

  1. I’m making this change (insert yours), because someone told me I need to do it (healthcare provider, loved one, friend, etc.).

  2. I probably should make this change (insert yours), but it’s too hard for my schedule (or insert the reason it’s challenging to make).

  3. I know that to make this change, I will need to plan ahead (what you’ll need to do to make the change successful).

  4. I learned that it is important to make this change, so I’m doing x,y,z to make it happen (insert what you’re currently doing) and have been working on it regularly for the past month or more.

  5. I’ve been working on this change for the past six months and it’s really benefitted my health and life.

Now, which one sounds most like you?

Let’s take a look and understand what your answer means:

If you answered #1, then you’re likely in Precontemplation (Not Ready) about the change you’d like to make. This is the first stage in the Transtheoretical Model of Change. Precontemplation is often where a person is completely unaware that a change needs to happen, aren’t ready to make a change, or may be in denial. Also, in this stage, the signal that we need to change isn’t coming from within us, but often from other people who are telling us we need to make the change because of their love and concern for us, but we just aren’t ready.

If you answered #2, then you’re likely in Contemplation (Getting Ready) about making the change. This is the second stage of change and often involves ambivalence or no plans to change. We see the benefit and value of making the change – we have the awareness - but also have hesitation because of how it may disrupt our lives (routine, time, finances, comfort, etc.).

If you answered #3, then you’re likely in Preparation (Ready) for making the change. This is the third stage of change and indicates that the desire is there and in the next month a person is likely to start making the change. It’s like getting our affairs in order – we’re seeing what it will take, doing research, understanding where we’ll have to shift, and then giving it a shot. It’s the stage when we’re learning what we need to do.

If you answered #4, then you’re likely in Action with your change. This means that you’ve been actively taking action toward your goal during an initial six month period. This stage is the hardest and involves the most effort, energy, and trial and revision to make the change. Many people liken it to hiking up a mountain – there are many switchbacks, steep climbs, pleasant flats, and sometimes downhill ease along the way, but to get to the top, there are many changes – in our attitude and mindset, physical and emotional output, and effort to get to the mountaintop.

If you answered #5, then you’re in Maintenance with your change and have been in action for at least six months. While this stage still requires consistent effort and focus, and setbacks are certainly possible – even a risk to returning to old patterns – enough successful wins have occurred at this point to develop a solid blueprint for how to consistently stay connected to lifelong lasting change.

Truth Nugget: Rarely is it a linear process through these five stages. Also, with some areas of our health we can be completely in Action or Maintenance mode and we’re in Pre-Contemplation on other areas. When working with a health and wellness coach, we walk alongside you and help guide you through these stages and through the moments of jumping back and forth between these stages.

What can help: giving ourselves grace when we aren’t where we want to be, but honestly evaluate our commitment and willingness to make the required effort to achieve change. We can sort out pros or cons of changing and we can determine whether we have the belief we can do it on our own. Asking questions like, “What will it take to move from the stage I’m in to the next?” or “How well am I managing it on my own?”or “Would it help to have a compassionate and skilled partner supporting me?” can help us have a realistic understanding of where are and where we want to go.

Whatever the change is that you’d like to make, to learn more about ways you can move from one stage to the next, let’s chat. You can make the changes you want to – you’ve got everything inside you to succeed as the expert on your body and life.

I invite you to setup a free 20-minute initial session with me to explore how we can help you get started to reach the change you dream of achieving.